Wednesday 15th August
(All photos by Geoff Baehr except first 2 pics)
After a storming gig at Bloodstock,some dude in a van smashing Matt's mirror off on the way home and a couple of days off,we all met at the Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham with director Andy Pilkington, A.K.A. Sargent Pilko,and Roger Naish at 9am for day 1 of our Video shoot.
Sgt Pilko |
Today was World Detonation day.
After loading in nice and early,I set my gear up.The others didn't need their amps so they just had their guitars.The Sarge and Roger and some help from Andi Badgeman went about the place setting lights up and setting a mood,whilst The Cleaver set up the sounds.Making a video is a weird thing.You have to mime but make it look convincing.No-one joins a band because they like acting (apart from Meat Loaf) and trying to hit your drums hard but being able to hear the play back of the song is a fucking nightmare.Just look at our "Psycho Intentions" video on youtube.I was trying so hard to concentrate and hear the song that I look bored out of my brain.So to combat this,I wore my in-ear monitors.Much better.I don't know whether the rest of the band could hear over my drums but fuck it.
Cocked,locked and ready to Rock |
"World Detonation" the song, clocks in at 9:01 mins.Now for us to have any chance of our video getting on any channel we had to get it down to about 5 mins.That was a task in it's self. W.D. has lots of changes that work well with each other so how do you cut it down but still keep the desired effect.That was a job for Bison.He fuckin' nailed it!Of course I was supposed to practice with it a few times in advance and seeing as though he did it at least a month and a half ago,no problem.Well,I didn't bother,I totally forgot.But we were only miming so no biggie.
All drums and no amps.The way it should be. |
Sgt Pilko "Come on Bison,put some effort into it!" |
As the day wears on,we do take after take after take.I'm now starting to worry that the edited version will be etched in our brains instead of the full version!We're all starting to get worn down too,but to be honest,I reckon that is due to our sense of humour.All we do all day when we're together,is take the piss out of each other,tell each other how shit each of our playing skills are,take the piss out of my Drumming,Jon being left handed,Matt being like our Dad and shit like that.Within a few hours we're just shaking our heads at each other,giving each other the birdie, pissing about for Geoffs camera,and coming up with reasons why certain band members shouldn't be in the video at all.It takes it's toll.
Trying to show Ed how he should be playing |
Bison giving it all,just before he shit himself. |
Waiting for Bison to finish his close up shot |
Jesus Christ!Ed's spotted Geoff's camera . |
After a 10 min lunch break,yeah 10 mins,cheers Sarge,we did some more individual takes.I took a 3 min power nap while the others did theirs then got on with it.Time was ticking and we had to be loaded out by 6pm
Look at those faces.Over seeing perfection you might say! |
We stormed through the rest of the schedule and finished filming by half 5 and loaded out by 6 on the dot.Special thanks to the Everyman Theatre for the use of the main room.I took my gear home and met everyone for some drinks.
We ended up at a bar called G's.It's the local rock bar with a free juke box,so we hi-jacked that with old school Sepultura,Bodycount,R.O.F. and a bit of Alice Cooper and got some drinking done.Then Ed made Geoff get his camera out again.
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