(First of all,I'd like to state that everything I write is my own experience and my own feelings.They do not represent the feelings or opinions of my band or other fellow band members unless stated.Sometimes they agree,sometimes they don't.But this is MY blog about MY world of being a touring drummer in a small metal band).
Sorry for the serious lack of photos too.
Paul Joins RoF |
Christ It's been a while!
It's been nearly a year or maybe over a year since my last blog.I can't be bothered to look.You figure it out.
Since then we've changed bass players,twice,released another video (Envy the Dead) and started work on our second album.The 2nd Headbangers Balls tour is about to start and we've been playing a few shows here and there up and down Britain.Some good,some bad.This blog is about is the "Fury Over England" mini tour with "Born of The Jackal" from Exeter.This is also our new bass player's (Paul Bielby) first official tour with us so it should be a right laugh!
Here's our latest video "Envy the Dead" for anyone who has not seen it yet too.
Envy the Dead
Wednesday 27th August
Exeter-The Cavern
I was looking forward to going back to this place.I played here a lot when I was in 4ft but that was a good few years ago.I was keen to see if the place had changed much.I knew Pippa still ran the place and was looking forward to their usual pizza and chips that they fed ALL bands without fail that stopped by.Good old Cavern.
I'd emailed a schedule to the band and driver but as per usual,things didn't quite go as planned.Nothing to do with the plan I might add but everything to do with the fuckin' van getting a flat before it reached the first pick up point!Luckily,me being the awesome planner that I am,I factored for problems so this didn't worry me.The van got to mine an hour late so we loaded up and set off.
The only problem now was the van was heavily overloaded,so we agreed to have a word with the Born of the Jackal guys and see if we can do a gear swap with their van.
We arrived at the Cavern only half an hour late,loaded in and set up.We introduced ourselves to BOTJ and got on with sound checking.I'm pleased to confirm that the place has not changed a bit! Still the same Sid Vicious and Frankenstein paintings on the wall,still the same tiny dressing room and Pippa still runs the place,although she wasn't there this time.Sound check was ok.The Cavern has a lot of bass rumble on stage which is annoying but it's better than a lot of other places we've been.At least I can hear Eds guitar this time.
I asked Bison to sort the merch out and I moved my gear to make room for the support bands kit.By the time I'd done that,everyone else had fucked off to the pub.So I looked after merch for a while.
It always takes me a few days to get into touring and I always start asking myself why I'm doing this.I sit by the merch bored out of my brain with my ear plugs in regretting leaving my book in the van just wishing I could get up there and do what I came to do quicker.Yeah I know,I should love being on tour,and I do,but nowadays I've just got to get the first few days out of the way first.
Luckily the bands weren't too bad especially one band.I can't remember their bloody name though,(when I find out I'll get it in here). This was the first time I'd seen BOTJ too.I didn't watch too much of their set today as I knew I was spending another 4 days with them and could watch them tomorrow.I watched a couple of songs and liked what I heard but then they stopped suddenly.I then heard them talking about their drummer John breaking his snare.Luckily,I had a spare so I grabbed that and lent it to him.Just in time too.He was about to grab my main snare and start using that!Cheeky bugger.I then decided to go back and do my warm ups.
BOTJ finished their set and we set up, only for the power on Pauls amp to cut out!So we spent the next ten minutes trying to figure out what was going on and how to fix it.In the end we just DI'ed it and got on with show.
I think everyone had a good gig except for me.I struggled to hear anything apart from a wall of noise all night,but the crowd seemed to like it so all good.
After the show,dinner was served.Pizza and Pasta.Good old Cavern!
We packed up and loaded the van,in the pissing rain!Then headed to Steve's (BOTJ guitarists) house for the night.
We stayed up for a while chatting to Steve and Steph (booking agent and Steve's girlfriend) and just getting to know them.With plenty of piss taking.Then they retired.
Paul had brought some airbeds for everyone to sleep on (he's fitting in well).He also had a electric pump with him which sounded as loud as a bloody hoover! Steve and Steph must have thought we were giving the place the once over.We also spotted Steve's weights and took it in turns to see how many we could lift.Not many was the conclusion to that!
I set up my camp bed and we all settled down to the chorus of band members arses.Luckily,when you've been touring for a while you know to always bring ear plugs or ear defenders with you.Good job I remembered mine as I was sleeping next to Jon and his snoring is disgraceful! But I hadn't experienced Bison's yet.That's for another night!
Thursday 28th August
Manchester-The Star & Garter
We struggled through the night of farts,snoring and Bison moving around on that squeakie fuckin airbed and woke up to Steph offering tea and bacon sandwiches.Of course we took her up on the offer.Bison could have courgette.A home grown one too I might add.
Steve had gone to collect his band and when he got back we swapped some of the heavier gear with BOTJ's lighter gear which included a horrible drum kit for the support bands.We then set off,sat nav says 4 hours to Manchester so leaving at 11:30 should get us there by 4/5 o clock.We assumed thats what time we had to be there but as tonight's promoter hadn't sent the contract back or even returned any emails we had no idea.Pilko (who is not on this tour as the van is too small) will be trying to get a response as we travel up there.What could possibly go wrong?
Fuckin' hell! What a shit drive.Roadworks all the way so far.Hopefully doors will be at 8 and it won't be a problem.So I text Pilko and ask him the question.Still no contact.Fuck's sake.We carry on regardless.At just before 4pm we're still stuck in traffic,and I get a text from Pilko saying he's finally got in touch.Load in is 5 doors are 7.We're still stuck in road works at least an hour and 30 mins away.No problem,we'll sacrifice our sound check.
After 6 and a half hours of being stuck in that van,we arrive at 6:30 (half hour before doors) and go straight up to make contact.I apologise and explain why we're late while the others start loading in.I tell him we won't sound check and then continue helping the lads get our gear in asap.He seems ok and lets us carry on.
A backline was already set up,sort of, so the first band on proceeded to sound check.Connor (the promoter) then asks me where BOTJ are.I told him they were prob stuck in traffic like we were.I told him we weren't given a load in time until a couple of hours ago as the contract wasn't returned.He reckons he's been sending them back.Of course,I've heard it all before and start to smell bull shit.Then BOTJ arrive.At that point I thought it would prob be best if I walk away and prep my gear.
5 mins before doors Conner then tells me we can't use our gear as it's now running late.
"What do you mean it's running late?Doors are at 7 right?"
"Yeah" he said
"First band is on at 7:10 right?"
"Yeah" he says again.
"Well get em sound checked and get em on stage on time then.It ain't running late until it's running late".I told him.
Alarm bells are ringing now,so I decide to make things easier,I'll agree to use the kit that's on stage.He seems happier with that and we get on with things.
After prepping my gear "backstage", I start wondering around looking at this dump while Jon sits on merch and the others go for a beer downstairs.
Again,I used to play this place back in the 4ft days.It was a real shit hole back then and still is.Only this time the toilets to the venue part are out of order.How this place is still open while other decent venues are closing down is a mystery.
I go back upstairs and sit down on the merch.It's a six band bill tonight,which is always a mistake.That's a recipe for running late.
While the first band are on,I notice the stage looks dark,so I ask Conner if there is a lighting rig.He then realises he's forgotten to turn it on!Nice one.So the first band,which were pretty good are practically playing in the dark.He assures me he'll turn it on for the next band.
During change over,it's still dark.So I mention the lighting rig again.
"Oh shit" he says, "I forgot" and he goes and switches it on. "Dick",I think to myself.
By now I'm thinking to myself,"why am I in the shit hole?" But then I remind myself that just because the venue is a dump and the promoter seems like he doesn't know what he's doing doesn't mean the gig will be bad.We'll see.I go downstairs and have a drink with the rest of the band.
I got a text earlier in the day from Pilko warning me that this guy could be unreliable and to get paid before we go on.We're well within our rights to do that too as the contract states we require payment 2 hours before stage time but personally I don't like doing that.It's not very trusting and feels awkward,but I decided I'll go and ask.
"Can we sort it afterwards" he asks,
"Yeah sure" I reply.As I turn around he says "don't worry,I'm good for it".
That sounds like it's all gunna be ok.I inform the lads.Everyone seems happy.
I go up and watch one of the bands.At this point there is a band on stage doing a damn fine job of making Cowboys from Hell sound like shit.I turn to Jon and say,
"Sometimes I really regret some of the choices I've made in my life".
I can't remember the band's name.Prob best I don't find out either.
I fuck off downstairs to get away and ponder about my future.
Then after chatting to the rest of the guys and a Polish bloke who has come to see us,I go back upstairs and there is a band on stage that were awesome!
EXXXEKUTIONER! I think that's how you spell it.They were awesome.Their sound was wicked,Old school black metal/thrash.They looked cool too.At this point my mood picked up a bit.
BOTJ went onstage after these guys and did a good job of it and despite Connor going on about us not using our gear,we use it anyway.(we're sharing our gear with BOTJ).They're a good band and do what they do well.They get the crowd worked up too which is great.John,their drummer seems to be the most chilled out drummer I've ever seen though.It's like he's constantly stoned.Whether he is or not I don't know but he is a wicked drummer.
John from Born of The Jackal.Chilled out but damn good |
We go on stage and do our thing.Despite the sound problems we had a good show.No power cuts,I think Paul forgot to plug his lead in at one point,which scared us a bit but all got sorted quickly.During the gig I actually thought to myself "despite this being a dump,it might be good to come back here some time." But believe me,that had nothing to do with the venue and everything to do with the people that had come to see us.It was a surprisingly good gig.
We finished our set,I thanked some guys for sticking around to watch us and went up to collect our fee.I could see Steve was already talking to Connor.Steve turns around and calls me over,
"He's not paying us" Steve says,
"He's not paying us" He says again.
"Why the fuck are you not paying us?" I ask Connor,
"I'm paying you just not the full amount" he says,
"Breach of contract" he says.
"Breach of fuckin contract?How the fuck have we breached the contract?" I ask,
"You were late"
"You fuckin cunt,that's the first time I've heard of that." I said.
He then went on to tell us how he had made food for us,which was bull shit,and how he hired the backline because we were supposed to supply the backline for everyone but we were late.Of course I told him he's a lying cunt as the backline is the house gear and there was never any agreement made about 5 other bands using our gear.
After a few choice words,he backed off and practically hid behind his bird.The next step would be to a)either beat the crap out of him or b) drag him to a cash machine get the money then beat the crap out of him or c) walk away.I chose to walk away.But first I told him how I'd been warned about him and decided since he said he "was good for it" that I decided to trust him.Which he threw straight back in my face and for that he is a cunt.Then I found out he's staying in the same place as we were.Great.
He promised to bring us a little bit more to our accommodation.
We packed our gear and went to Abdul's for the 2nd best Kebabs in the country,then went to where we were staying.A rehearsal room down the road for one of the bands that played.Sonny Fox sorted it out for us.And what do you know,Connor was there with the little extra cash.He'd spent the rest of our fee on his dinner and a bag of weed.Little prick.
I thought against kicking off again and settled down for the night.This would be a Job for Pilko now.
The places we stay on tour! |
Of course,my bed was on the drum riser. |
I woke up around 7am for some reason and Connor and his bird had gone.The first thing I did was check out our cash tin.Luckily,it was all there.
Then we spent the morning chatting to Sonny and his other band member Alex.Listening to each others demos and giving them tips on being in a band.These two were cool kids and really helped us out by letting us stay at their rehearsal space.Cheers lads.
We then set off nice and early to head to Selby.Hopefully we won't have a dickhead who calls himself a promoter to deal with this time.
Did I cheer up for the next shows?Did we hunt Connor down and break his legs?We're the other shows any good?The Good,The Bad and The Ugly part 2 coming next.
Magic Dave